Globalization Vs. Localization Testing

4 min readDec 1, 2022


Testing for globalization and localization should be done by companies that want to sell their software to customers around the world. These testing techniques examine the linguistic and cultural elements of the targeted software. The main purpose of these metrics is to assess a product’s marketability in both the domestic and global markets.

In a world where globalization is more common, ensuring that the software works the same for all types of audiences is crucial to its success. The testing team comes up with different testing methods to ensure that the software’s performance, quality, and functionality remain consistent for different audiences. Multilingual software should be linguistically and culturally appropriate when used in other countries. Localization testing services help identify gaps and defects concerning user interface, functionality, translation, features, and much more.

Understanding the Difference between Globalization and Localization Testing

Choosing the correct type of testing is crucial to reduce the time to market software products. Only a well-tested product will deliver features and benefits to the end users. The testing methodology chosen should take just a short time to execute. It should ensure that the gaps are adequately addressed before the product is released to the audience.


Globalization testing ensures that the software application runs properly in local or cultural environments. It is widely used for testing software that provides multilingual support. The testing ensures that the software works in every language and that different attributes deliver the same functionality in other languages. For example, Google supports searching in multiple languages; therefore, considered a global application.

Localization testing services ensure that the software performs well in specific cultural and geographical environments. It tests the software usage in a particular language and for a specific region. Apps only available in local languages and for a particular region will benefit significantly from localization software testing. For example, web services such as QQ are available only for the Chinese audience. It is a local application.


Globalization testing tests application support for multiple different languages. Localization testing tests the software application for a specific language and its dialects, if applicable.


Different currency formats, number formats, and address formats supported by the software are tested in globalization testing. Localization software testing assesses support for a specific currency, mobile number format, and address format.

User Base

In globalization testing, the software is tested to ensure that it caters to the needs of a generic user base in the global scenario. Localization testing ensures that the software meets the goals and demands of a specific set of users in a particular culture.

Testing Environment

For globalization testing, the tester should set up multiple testing environments because the software is intended for use worldwide by different groups of people. Localization software testing is a targeted testing approach where the software features are tested for users from a specific locality. Ideally, a region-specific testing environment should be set up for practical testing.


The software must be validated for resource attributes and linguistic accuracy for every language supported for globalization testing. Adaptability and compatibility for each region should also be tested.


Globalization testing tests the software for compliance with multiple regulations and rules for different countries. Localization software testing helps ensure that the compliance and regulations imposed by the local bodies are carefully met.

Bug Reporting

In globalization testing, formalized bug reporting is essentially included. Localization software testing doesn’t support bug reporting.

Time taken

As globalization testing is comprehensive, it takes more time. Localization testing has a limited scope, and thus, it takes less time.

Globalization and Localization Testing Challenges

The methodology for both globalization and localization testing services must be flawless to create a cost-effective and valuable product for the end users. The software functionality must be uniform across multiple languages when providing multilingual support. For localized applications, they should meet the expectations of the targeted audience.

The linguistic requirements for globalization testing are vast and specific. Depending on the functionality required by the software, linguistic experts may be needed for the accurate translation of software features. In the case of localization testing services, the target audience may sometimes be inaccessible. Knowing the preferences of the local audience require extensive research and collaboration with local agents. A thorough understanding of the value and culture of the region is essential.

To learn about the Pros & Cons of Globalization and Localization Testing; refer to the original article using the below-mentioned link.

Originally published at on December 1, 2022.




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